Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Drama Bahasa Inggris

“World of Magic”

Amri : hopefully in the playground there are friends, so I can play.
 ( while on the playing field )
Odi : Hey, Amri
Amri : Hey Odi , what ?
Odi : if you watch last night harry potter ?
Amri : of course .
Odi : By the way , where are you going ?
Amri : I’m going to the playground. What do you want to come ?
Odi : No, thanks . OK , careful on the road !
( after arriving at the playground )
Amri : Riya ……… Dheaaa …….
Riya : Why ?
Dhea : Who is it ? ohh, was amri
Amri : There is nothing, I just want to ask .
Riya : to me ?
Amri : yeah .
Riya : Ask what ?
Amri : Does everyone have hope ?
Riya : all people must have hope. Why ?
Amri : then, how to achieve that expectation?
Riya : We must believe we can achieve that hope.
Amri : Thank you J
Riya : you’re welcome....
Amri : If so , I’m going now , bye.
. ( State Amri )
Amri :hmm I want to go to the playing field.
( Arriving at the playing field )
Amri : I have to believe that the world of magic is there.
World of magic
World of magic
World of magic
World of magiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic.
Riya : hey Amri ...accompany me to the mountain behind the school .
Amri : on foot ?
Riya : hahaha .. of course not . we just use a broom to fly .
Amri : What ? fly ?
Riya : Flying course . our world's magical world.
Amri : then , where the broom ?
Riya : it is easy . bimsalabim ! This broom. Let’s go !
Amri : Wait , I can not magic .
Riya : What ? You can not magic . hahaha.. you must be kidding. Come on amri
Amri : I’m serious, I can not magic
Riya : are you serious ?
Amri : yeah , I’m serious
Riya : See, small children can use magic. Why you can not ?
Amri : I don’t know .
Dhea : Hey, what are you doing ? ( while flying )
Riya : ooh,  Hey Dhea.
Dhea : We’ll come you , wait there .
Dhea : hey Riya , hey Amri , What are you doing here ?
Amri : Dhea , you can fly
Dhea : of course I can .
Amri : This is true whether the wizarding world ?
Dhea : of course amri ..
Amri : Hey , Listen to me , I can not use magic .
 Dhea: What ? Really ?
Amri : Yeah , I can not use magic . I will never understand why I am in this world .
( odi came )
Odi : what ? Amri can not use magic ?
Odi : Hey Amri .. If you know the king of magic, and you are in a state can not use magic, then, you will be eradicated from this world of magic.
Dhea : It is true Amri ..
Amri : If so, I beg you to teach me magic.
Odi :  all right. If so , come on you all go to my house .
Riya, Dhea , and Amri : okay !
Riya, Odi, Dhea : Bimsalabim ! Fly !
Amri : Wait, I’m what ?
Odi : Come on , sit on my broom
(  Arriving at the odi’s house)
Odi : Amri , are you ready ?
Amri : Yes , I’m ready !
Odi :  First of all , take a deep breath , then remove it, a high concentration . then, still the mind.
Amri : okay
Odi : is there a book, you try to fly it. Try !
Amri : okay , Bimssalabim !
            do not want to fly !
Odi : Try again
Amri : Bimsalabim !
Bimsalabim !!
Bimsalabim !!!
Bimsalabim !!!!
Bimsalabim !!!!!
Dhea,  : Spirit Amri . Go amri go amri go .. 2x
Amri : okay …
Bim , salaa bimm …
Dhea : see, it does not fly , but is open.
Let’s try again amri …
Odi :  well , try again
Amri : Bimsalabim !
Riya : wow.. Great !
Dhea : amri great, it can fly ! J
Odi : You can !
Amri : Horeee .. J
Odi : you try to create a broom. Remenber ! high concentrations !
Amri : well , I’ll try
Bim  salaa  bim !
 ( Triiiiing )
Horeee … I can , I can … J
Odi : Okay , then you do not have to worry any more … 
Riya , Dhea : Good Amri !
Amri : yeah .. Now , I can be magic .. but this is because you are all my friends. Thank you very much.
Dhea , Odi , Riya : you’re welcome .
 (  Next day , While in the play ground )
Odi : hey , how about the race to fly, around the mountain behind the school and then come back here.
Riya, Dhea , Amri. : Come on ..…
Dhea : Preparing all,
1, 2, 3, Start …
( 5 minutes later )
Odi : Yeyy , I won first
Riya :  I won the second
Dhea : I won the third
Amri : I lost …
Dhea : No problem amri , This is just a game.
Amri : yes , I know
Riya : ugh , I’m tired .
Amri : I also tired of the game was . I want to take a nap.
Dhea : please .
(  3 hours later  )
Riya : Amriiiiiiiiiiii .. wake up ….
Amri : oh yeah , sorry , I was tired
Riya : This was at 4 pm
Amri : thank you for waking me from sleep .
Riya : okay , I go back . Bye
Amri : Wait , Why do not you fly ?
Riya : What ? fly ?
hahaha .. are you just dreaming ?
of course I can not fly … hahaha
Amri : Maybe I really was dreaming .
Riya : okay , I go back .. Bye
Amri : yeah , Bye
but I'm glad, because my expectations have been achieved even if only in dreams.

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